Nightmare on the patio…

16 11 2014

Nightmare on the patioby David Halliday

Eliza at 40

16 11 2014

Eliza at 40by David Halliday

Edward Okun

16 11 2014

Okuń was born in 1872 to a noble family and was orphaned by his father and mother. He grew up with his grandparents on the maternal side. After inheriting a large fortune, he soon began drawing lessons with great painters. In 1891 he studied at the Warsaw School of Drawing. From 1891-1893 he studied under the direction of Isidore Jablonski and Jan Matejko at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts. He continued his studies in Munich and Paris. In 1897 Okuń went to study with Simon Hollósy who founded the artists’ colony in Nagybánya, Hungary. For the next 20 years he lived in Rome and also traveled to Sorrento, Amalfi, Capri, Venice, Padua, Ravenna, Florence and Siena. He participated in the life of the Polish art colony in Rome, and was co-founder of the Masonic lodge “Polonia”.

I find his work bizarre. Situations are created that seem right out of the Twilight Zone.

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chance meeting at a hotel…

16 11 2014

chance meeting at a hotelby David Halliday

body found in the east end…

16 11 2014

body found in the east endby David Halliday