Wilhelm Hempfing

31 07 2013

I don’t often do this. Life is too short. But this is an artist that I can’t stand. His work seems unseemly. Titillating and bordering on the pornographic. They’re the kind of pieces that used to appear on the back of playing cards. Like I say I don’t do this often. But the guy is dead.

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Carl Warner

31 07 2013

Carl Warner.

I didn’t think that this was terribly original but the execution is wonderful. And there is a great deal of humor.  Landscape artist, indeed.

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Julien Pacaud

31 07 2013

Mr. Pacaud’s work is very accomplished. It is clean, marvellously imagined. It has the surreal quality that for some reason is very soothing. Humour is an important part of Pacaud’s work. I’m not sure that there is anything negative to say about Pacaud’s work. Enjoy it.

For a more in depth review check out this blog.

You can also find more work at the following sight.


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Marianne Lettieri

30 07 2013

I have always found sculptural collages the greatest challenge. I tried a few and they were a disaster. Either the pieces work or they are junk. Ms. Lettieri’s work is very interesting. I can’t say I like everything she has done but that’s to be expected. Still her insights are odd (they should be), amusing (essential), and lovely to look at. Now where you put these pieces in your home (where you put any sculpture) is the problem.

Interview http://blip.tv/sznart/talk-art-30-eco-art-with-found-object-art-3119035


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Giovanni Lanfranco

30 07 2013

I look at paintings from the middle-ages for what I see and not what I read. They look like illustrations from a science fiction magazine. Or the paintings of someone on LSD. Maybe that’s why I like them. Here we have giants, heros that fly, angels or aliens, sex. And always… cats.

Giovanni Lanfranco (26 January 1582 – 30 November 1647) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.

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Terry Gilliam

30 07 2013

Silliness, profundity, irony, yellow bile, all the humors. Terry Gilliam has it all.


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Jasper Johns

29 07 2013

Jasper Johns is one of the most sought after artists on the market today. And it bores me. His work bores me. One is always afraid of looking like a complete fool by saying such things. But I don’t care. A learned person might explain to me why Johns work is important. It might make sense. Might even be interesting. But my eyes tell another tale. I see his flags, his numbers, all the icons of day to day life in America and I see through them. At the painting below. But still… my eyes glaze over.

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Martha Rosler

28 07 2013

The anti-Martha Stewart. Irony without humor. The collages of the war contrasted with the ideal (commercial) American life are a bit heavy handed. But I still enjoy the images. They are kind of like visual slogans.

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Alex Colville

28 07 2013

Alex Colville is dead. When I was young I was fascinated by his work. Perspective. Why is he trying to be difficult with perspective? Is he trying to tell us something or would his paintings be too boring without it? I thought it was all about anxiety. Danger. Something was  heading our way. And it was dangerous. His work reminded me of Bob Dyaln’s song “All Along the Watchtower”. Something is happening and we’re not prepared for it.


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Luca Mainini

28 07 2013

Luca Mainini’s work is wonderful. Filled with visual puns, jokes, a great deal of humour. And I think that is one of the strengths of collage. Even his titles are funny. Reminding me of a friend of mine, Ed Kuris, who also likes to use puns to mock his own work. The artist in both these cases is telling us not to take their work too seriously. At the same time, this attitude makes their work more worthy of attention and examination.

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