
26 04 2009

started a new book of poems, Trash, on another sight. these poems were short listed for the 2008 CBC Radio Literary contest. See link below.


Dog sick

23 04 2009

Sick as a dog. Still I’ve got to come up with some visual ideas for my jazz singer poems. I was thinking of taking snap shots of them and playing with them on photoshop but that seems too pedestrian. I’d like to do collages but I’m not sure how to proceed. They could all look the same and I think they should be dated for the 20s- 50s and I’m wondering where I’m going to find my rock quarry (photo resources) to make these new collages. And then there are the film screen plays that I’d like to work on. (pieces that were supposed to be worked as a comic strip but that looks unlikely to happen now. My brother-in-law is too busy to do the illustrations.) Just a minute, I’ve got to blow my nose… Oh that wasn’t supposed to come out.

The Rising

The Rising

Van Gogh’s Bedroom

19 04 2009

In Van Gogh’s original paintings of his room we are struck by how cramped and small the room is. It is as if all the things that were important to him were within arms length. One cannot imagine him sharing his bed. There just isn’t any room. In my version of the room it is less cluttered, as lonely, but also I put a Van Gogh in the room. And a glowing light dominates everything. It is his genius. bedroom

Death is Reborn

11 04 2009

Death is Reborn

Death is Reborn

What is death? Not the end of matter. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. (Which isn’t exactly true but that’s another physics problem) It is the end of an organization. An order of matter. A change from one product to another. There is a law that states that all matter in the universe has one direction and that is in the direction of death. Certainly explains what happened to General Motors.

Our Lady of Fire

10 04 2009

Our Lady of Fire

Our Lady of Fire

This reminded me of a song by Leonard Cohen, ‘Joan of Arc’. Take away the metaphor and ask if there aren’t people who invite terrible things to happen to them. Either through some form of sadomasochism or romanticism or boredom. Was Joan looking to be executed? Did she need it to affirm her faith. What happens to those romantics who just get old and die of old age? Were they cheated? The whole thing sounds crazy. But then we have our modern day mad men who sacrifice their own existence for some ideals. Either as terrorists or army volunteers.

Van Gogh’s Billiard Table

7 04 2009

Van Gogh's Billiard Table

Van Gogh's Billiard Table

Like many people I am a fan of Van Gogh. But I was surprised when I went to see his paintings how small they were. This is my rendition of one of my favourite Van Gogh’s.

Night Flock

5 04 2009

Night Flock

Night Flock

Why are images put together almost randomly look so appealing? A flock of birds. A house with someone knocking at the door. A river rushing down a mountain side. A hole in a wall. A planet on a black empty sky. It is like an untold story that has only just begun.

Fire Island

3 04 2009

Fire Island

Fire Island

The idea occurred to me about a fire on an island. Destruction without anyone to observe it. And only destructive to the life on that island. Maybe I saw this in Bambi. A terrifying thought.

Balance of Nature

2 04 2009
Balance of Nature

Balance of Nature