Bogdan Zwir

30 04 2011

Bogdan is an interesting artist. His work is lovely to look at. The surreal quality of his collage work in echoed in his straight photographs.

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Stephen Rothwell

30 04 2011

Stephen Rothwell is a romantic. He has taken the horrors of the industrial revolution and made it sentimental. The muted colours remind you of oil, and old rags, and coal. The work makes Victorian England, especially the industrial wastelands, seem like a wonderful experience.

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The Adventures of Fred and Me…. Episode One: Divorce and Kitty Litter

29 04 2011

A surreal comic novel (in the tradition of magic realism) about a young writer in the throes of a messy marital breakup and his subsequent drifting into madness. Plus his talking cat, Fred. In the first episode Fred comes to face the awful truths about his marriage and his compost.

FREE To All… closing in on 400 downloads

Edwin Olaf

29 04 2011

Erwin Olaf is a Dutch photographer.  A lot of his work has the qualities that you find in a lot of collage work, that is the fantastic, the placement of odd images next to each other, humour, the absurd. A short video was made of his work and is well worth watching.

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Mikko Rantanen

27 04 2011

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Miko Rantanen

Some artists are different, odd, and interesting. There is in Mikko Rantanen‘s work the look of a child’s sensitivity. He combines cut-outs of flat spaces with collage pieces in clever and amusing ways.

Lars Henkel

27 04 2011

Lars Henel is both original and derivative. Blue prints, surveyor notes, balance sheets, sewing prints, all antiquities from an early era. I found some of his work cold and indifferent. Still othes are filled with ambiance. Though little humour.

Free Book “Making Movies”

25 04 2011

Making Movies is closing in on 400 downloads. It is free. A story about a group of movie makers, their lives, their relationships, and the movies they make. It is a collage creation of poems, dialogue, and illustrations in the form of a BBC Documentary.

Chris Anthony

25 04 2011

Anthony has an interest in rooms. Me too. They have the same borders as a painting. And you can think inside them.

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There is something about confined spaces where actions go on. It is theatre. Even if those confined spaces are the universe. I have also added some of my examples of rooms.

Johann Fournier

24 04 2011

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It is difficult to be critical of an artist’s work when you like it so much. Perhaps it is style, or voice, but there is a sameness about this work. After you’ve looked at several pieces the surprise in your eyes diminishes. And you become aware of craftsmanship. Which I think is the death of art. I don’t want to respect an artist’s work. I want to love it. Show it to my friends. Now, I’ve gone overboard. Its still beautiful work.

I’ve added some landscapes of my own. Just for comparison. I use a lot more cut and paste. (scissors and glue).

Jeff Harp

23 04 2011

Jeff Harp loves to play with old Edwardian photos. Especially faces. The pictures remind me of the old freak shows that they used to show at carnivals. It makes us harken back to old fairy tales and the fears of children. Goblins, witches, and ghouls. There was both horror and romance in these tales. But underlying all of it was a sort of primeval fear of the ‘different’.

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I have done many pieces based on the human face. Here are a few below. They differ a lot from Harp’s work. He retains the visual unity of his original photographs. I have taken pieces from dozens of photos for the one piece.