I am yellow

30 04 2014

I am yellow  v2

girl on a beach

29 04 2014

Girl on a beachthere is nothing like a young girl smiling. This is one of a series I did on painting styles. This is from the school of sloothing.

by David Halliday

Wilfred Satty

29 04 2014

Satty was part of the California art scene in the 1970s. You can see it in his work. It both reflects that time and seems a prisoner of it.

satty1 satty2 satty3 satty4 satty5Wilfred Satty5 Wilfred Satty6 Wilfred Satty11 Wilfred Satty12 Wilfred Satty13

five years after the fire

29 04 2014

Five Years After The Fire v2and i still remembered  her perfume

by David Halliday

Nigel Tomm

28 04 2014

When I was about 13, a friend and I found a shopping bag filled with magazines of naked women. As you can imagine this was Valhalla for teenage boys. But all the magazines had been soaked in weeks of rain. As we opened the magazines, the pages peeled off like skin. The ink from one page ran off onto the picture on the opposite page. Very bizarre pictures were created. This is what crossed my mind when I ran across Nigel Tomm’s work. And it completely blew me away. The images are crumpled, almost disposable. And they are very powerful.

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Edith and her right foot…

28 04 2014

Edith and her right footare missing

by David Halliday

Henry Darger

27 04 2014

Most of his work looks like book illustrations from the 30s and 40s. His work has that ‘naive’ appeal. His colours looks faded and I’m not sure if that is by design or age. An odd man.


Henry Darger - Andrew Edlin Gallery - Install 2 of 2 Henry Darger1 Henry Darger2 Henry Darger3 Henry Darger4 Henry Darger5 Henry_Darger Henry-Darger_Side-B_41-at-Jennie-Richee-are-lost_Ricco-Maresca-Gallery-NYC henry-darger-CollageGirlBlengin

dancing in the sand

27 04 2014

Dancing in the sandA lot of classical paintings look like they were painted to rock’n’roll.

by David Halliday

barbara bezina

26 04 2014

The combination of photography, collage, painting, make for some pretty exciting images. Lots to look at. barbara bezina

barbara bezina1 barbara bezina2 barbara bezina3 barbara bezina4 barbara bezina5 barbara bezina6 barbara bezina7 barbara bezina8 barbara bezina9

Christ is crucified in Blenheim, Ontario

25 04 2014

Christ is crucified in Blenheim, OntarioIt happens everyday. In every town. To everyone.

by David Halliday