Gonzaga Manso

31 05 2012

It must be nice. Gonzaga Manso. To have such beautiful models. And equipment. And sets. And talent. Very polished and professional work. I wouldn’t say it was exciting. But there is nothing that doesn’t please the eyes.

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Walter Sickert…. Jack the Ripper

31 05 2012

In 2002, crime novelist Patricia Cornwell, in Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper—Case Closed, maintained that Sickert was Jack the Ripper.[21] A psychological motivation for Sickert was said to be a congenital anomaly of his penis.[22] Cornwell purchased 31 of Sickert’s paintings, and some persons in the arts world have said that she destroyed one of them in a search for Sickert’s DNA, but Cornwell denies having done this.[23][22] Cornwell claimed she was able to scientifically prove that the DNA on a letter attributed to the Ripper and on a letter written by Sickert belong to only one percent of the population.

Its certainly intriguing. Although not fair to Mr. Sickert.

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If Paintings Could Talk

30 05 2012

This is a very funny video. A little adolescent. But I cannot spell. So it is good for me.

Stanhope Alexander Forbes

30 05 2012

I don’t know how I feel about Forbes’ work. In itself. But a good part of me is Irish and this documents some of the places, some of the world, my great grandparents might have lived. I think there is something to be said for that. You can see it in some  homes. Pictures of the old country. Its an emotional anchor. The feeling that you came from some place. That you or your family had a history.

But… I don’t feel attached to any of it. Me and my friends (whose parents came from Italy, Slovakia, South Africa) are more attached to our western Toronto suburb of Islington. In particular The Six Points. I don’t know with the internet etc. if that will be the same for the new generation. Perhaps their roots will be in Ipads and Blackberrys.

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30 05 2012

Kush is just a very talented and interesting surrealist.

Artful Explorations In Nature:

A very happy Monday to you all! After several days of a much needed torrential downpour, Austin has once again warmed up to the gorgeous, sunny 70’s! (Right in time for the South by Southwest festival!). For those of you in the Austin area, I hope you are able to take a little time out of your day to enjoy the sunshine!

Today I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorite artists–Vladimir Kush. Although he’s not an “environmental artist,” much of his work is very much inspired by the natural environment.


Kush was born in Russia, near Sokolniki–a forested park in Moscow. He began to attend art school when he was seven years old and ten years later studied at the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School. A year later he was sent to military training. There, the unit commander decided to use Vladimir’s artistic abilities, asking that…

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Jutta H.M. Schriever

30 05 2012

Jutta’s work is quite beautiful. Watch the lines in her work and how they echo throughout the piece. And some of her work has the quality of being looked at from any direction. You can turn the piece upside down and it still looks applicable. I do wish there was more work because there is in each piece a sense of repetition in style and ‘feeling’ from other pieces. There is also a ‘Daliesque’ look about each piece. Which if you like Dali is lovely. And I like Dali.

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Somewhere in the 1970s

29 05 2012

I found these stories huddled under a blanket of dust. In the back of a cameon. (I don’t know what a cameon is. Just made it up.) They were shaking with fear. Don’t think they wanted to be found. They were written during a tumultuous time in my life. I had broken up with a long time live-in girl friend. These stories aren’t about her. But about the times after. The people I met. Lovers. Dopers. Thieves. Hookers. My aunt Eunice. Its exciting reading.

Somewhere in the 1970s.

Thomas Cooper Gotch

28 05 2012

Okay I’m off base. I realize that the times have made us very suspicious of those who have… obsessions. Gotch seems to be obsessed by girls. Young women. 10 to 17. I don’t know if it was their innocence or their vulnerability. Or perhaps my own two daughters have made me into something of a crank. Do I see something unhealthy? Or am I just seeing things?

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I didn’t win!

28 05 2012

I didn’t win. And I don’t know where to begin. Who do I blame first? ….

My ebook The Death of Lou Grant was up for a prize from EPIC. I’m not big on prizes. Unless I win. Actually even when/if I win I’m ready to contest the decision. I’m of the Groucho Marx point of view, “I wouldn’t join a club that would have someone like me as a member.” Anyway, I’d like to congratulate the winner. Whoever he is. Did I say I was a finalist? No? Well, I was. You should read the book. It’s free. For now.

Maria Blanchard

28 05 2012

The cliche about the struggling and suffering artist certainly applies to Maria Blanchard. She was a contemporary of Picasso and one would think that with a little luck she might have become more successful in her own time, and more well known now. But life is cruel. And it was cruel to this artist.

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