Agnolo Bronzino 1503-1572

24 01 2018

A Tribute to John Stezaker

24 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

I have for some time felt a terrific gratitude to John Stezaker for his work. He manages to achieve great success with a minimal amount of pieces in his collages. When they work, they look terrific. My own work is not like his but I created this piece as a tribute to him.

A Tribute to John StezakV1

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The Death of the Moth King

24 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

For years I had a recurring dream. (I have a lot of recurring dreams. Mostly they are anxiety dreams about responsibility) In this dream I am aboard a slave ship. I am the Moth King. Chief of a tribe that has been thrown in chains. The other people in the tribe turn to me for guidance. I can tell them nothing. Half way across the ocean on a beautiful sunny afternoon the captain decides to throw me overboard. And I am left in the sea, watching the ship shrink into the distance. Everything is so peaceful.

The Death of the Moth KingV3

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The Long And Winding River

24 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

In the middle ages paintings were created to tell a story. Usually a religious story. The picture was not a snapshot of a moment but a record of a series of events over a period of time. That is what this piece is. A simple story of a river. The same story each of us experiences each day. Its about routine. The same things one passes each day on the way to work, or school. And yet there is a slight difference each time we pass them. Perhaps it is the time of day. Or the weather. Or an event that happens at this place. But we seldom pay attention unless something catastrophic happens. I noticed when I lived in Europe that people who lived in the most beautiful locations in the world were just as bored, just as neutral to their environment as someone living in the most mundane…

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The Assassination of Louis Debrozo

24 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

Pictures of assassinations, either mob  hits, or KKK lynchings, or political killings have become morbid icons. From the assassination of Julius Caesar, to the hit on Bugsy Seagal, or the photos of Che’s Guevera’s corpse.

The work I have been doing lately is in appearance more choppy, almost chaotic at first, the pieces seemingly placed haphazardly on the page. But on a closer look you will notice how strategically each piece makes some sense. I must say that this goes directly back to the work of  Stezaker. I have mentioned him before. Assassination of Louis Debrozo

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A Shy Woman On A Sunny Afternoon

24 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

The most abhorent images are those of violence to children and women. One understands children. It is their innocence. But why women? Is violence to a man any the less horrible? Right now I’m listening to a song sung by Ella Fitzgerald. It is called Stone Cold Dead In the Market (He Had It Coming) It is refreshingly non-sexist. And yet horrible. Stone Cold In the Market.

A Shy Woman On A Sunny Afternoon

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I kept hearing voices in his head.

24 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

The real insane person is not the one who is delusional but the one in which the universe he sees is him from the inside of his head. Everything else follows rational laws just like the laws of nature. This insane universe operates much like our own. In physics there is a theory that due to the immensity of space, there is a universe for every possibility. Could there be a real universe that coincided with the universe of the insane?

I Kept Hearing Voices In His Head

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forest of galaxies

24 01 2018

lost in the woods

24 01 2018

‘you gotta alotta nerve to say you are my friend’…

24 01 2018