My son and buildings.

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

House 2

I started to notice what effect building had with my son. We’d walk into a bank or any large institutional building and he would draw closer to me. I realized that these large structures were not friendly to children. In fact they were hostile. They reflected that world out there, what adults called reality, that reality that we perceive as harsh, indifferent, almost angry at humans.

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The worst is possible

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

House 3

Children believe that everything is possible. They are optimist in that sense. And yet because of that view of life they live in fear. When everything is possible, then the worst is possible.

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The world a more terrifying place

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

House 4

They movie shelves seemed filled with horror films. Many of them involve adolescents. Why is that? Do teenagers have so many fears that movies help exorcise them? Or has the world become a more terrifying place?

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What is size?

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

House 5

When you’re a kid you deal with a bigger world. I’m stating the obvious. You see kids playing basketball with a regulation ball and hoop and it occurs to you that if adults used balls and  hoops of an equal size relative to their size the game of basketball would be a completly different beast. So it is with the world. Adults would be driven to fits of rage if they had to deal with such a world. And yet kids remain for the most part, optimistic.

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This is the 20th Century

19 01 2018


19 01 2018

Gotta love that terror

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

House 6

There are times when I wish I could live in the images I have created. Even those that have the potential to terrorize me. Like the present one. And the reason I would like to live in these images for a while is not obvious. I would like to rest there for a while so that when I returned to OUR world, I would find it as amazing as these images.

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The underside of children’s innocence

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

House 7

The House That Loved Children is a sentimental story wrapped around a core of horror. Horror in many ways is the underside of children’s innocence.

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The Pond

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

The Pond

How long can a gal go on dreaming?

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The Spy

19 01 2018

Hallidd's Weblog

The Spy

If you look, you can find him every night. Lurking.

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