Simon Birch

28 01 2015

Simon Birch’s work has to do with motion, colour, and the moment. The fleeting moment. This work reaches out and grabs your attention.

Simon Birch is a painter and multimedia artist of Armenian descent, born in Brighton in 1975 and resides in Hong Kong

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Joni Mitchell

3 09 2013

When I was in my terror period, I was entranced by Joni Mitchell. Something about those big teeth and that lovely blonde hair. But she got too cute for me. And I discovered that I couldn’t stand her voice. (Couldn’t stand the voice of Janis Joplin, Aretha Franklin, or Joan Baez either. Loved Ella’s voice. Still do. And Peggy Lee. And Anita Day.)  I decided to look at some of Ms. Mitchell’s art. I’ve always like it. But one subject she never seems tired of and that is herself. Or maybe that’s just show biz.

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Kathi Flood

21 07 2013

Flood’s work is more intellectual than visual. Everything is staged. I like that. So much of what appears in a photo is random, without significance. But in Flood’s work everything may be significant. Or not. And that says something both about the possibility of meaning in the universe, and the nature of man who is so naive/wonderfully inquisitive to imagine that meaning.

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Dan Witz

18 01 2013

At first I thought they were photos. As soon as I realized (I read the caption) that they were paintings, my interest was piqued. I wondered why. Are paintings more intrinsically interesting than photos. Or is it that we believe that the painter, more than the photographer, has made decisions. On style, subject matter, content, perspective etc. Dan Witz. A strange dude.

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Oscar Sancho Nin

12 10 2012

Oscar Sancho Nin. I love this guy’s work. Maybe its the combination of flat surfaces and then scratchy or detailed outlines. And the mix of abstraction and figurative work. Which gives a new kind of life to figures. It reminds me of the work of Ed Kuris, one of my favourite artists and one of my oldest friends.

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Martin Wittfooth

15 08 2012

Almost as if he were replacing humans with animals. As if he were pointing out the spiritual qualities of animals as well as their suffering. Or so I think. His work does invite interpretation. It is not a benign study of animals. He is editorializing.

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Valentin M. Khodov

8 07 2012

He was born in 1942. Under the murderer. Stalin. His paintings have a strange attraction. Their monumental almost medieval story telling. Stained with red and haunted by darkness the paintings almost seem wistful. Or perhaps that is my optimistic spirit. Except that I’m not an optimist.

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Randy Scott

4 07 2012

Maybe its like a great idea in a high school photography class. But still it is interesting. Though I can see it becoming tedious after a while.

Slavin’s “Alternate Perspectives” is a series of photographs of a single location or landmark pieced together to create a 360 degree perspective in a flat image. The results are whimsical, and occasionally eerie, scenes that reflect the portion and scale of Slavin’s surroundings when he took the photo.

“I want to make sure my intentions for this project is to go out and explore the world and take a look at the monuments and reimagine them in a different way,” he said. “I want to take a series of photos based on things we’ve already seen and look at them with a new perspective.”

Though skylines and trees are unnaturally curved in the scenes, he uses a photo editing technique called stitching that creates a seamless, single image out of multiple. So, though his photos are a spherical view of the world, they look like an accurate one.

“I love surrealist art that has a grounding in reality,” he said. “It’s not just surreal for the sake of surreal. I try to keep reality in the surreal photos that I take.”

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Stanley Spencer

28 06 2012

Stanley Spencer was one strange man. You can see it in his paintings. It is difficult to comprehend that he was born in the late 1800s. His work seems so contemporary. He seems to have so many stories to tell. Each canvas is like a short story. His paintings of historical events look like events of his own time. And the figures in them appear almost like caricatures of real people. Exaggerations. Everything is a commentary. Wonderful work.

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The Shock of the New 08: The Future That Was

21 06 2012

So many of my ideas, my reactions to the art world appear in this program. I almost remember seeing this many years ago. I feel like I was used. As a blank tape I seemed to have recorded so much. Which makes me wonder about any so called original ideas I thought I had. I love the program. Like I love my own thoughts. Agreeing with ideas is a form of vanity. This is a long program, almost an hour. But its a great story.