Dylan vs. Warhohl

30 01 2012

We had a film festival in University. Imagine that. And one of the films was a Warhohl. 12 hours or so long. Of the Empire State Building. There was no seating after the first five minutes. 12 hours of watching a building. From up high. From another tall building. Well here we have a shorter version. 3 minutes or so of a young Bob Dylan. Its a screen test. I think Dylan flunked. So if you have a few extra minutes in your life, try watching it. Actually Dylan is very watcheable. And he’s not as tall as the Empire State Building.



One response

30 01 2012
Sam Flowers

He is very watchable. I could watch him like this for longer!

As long as Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands at least!

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